franceinfo sncf
A few hours before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, the SNCF said it was the victim of “a massive attack to paralyze the TGV network” on Friday.
What there is to know
A few hours before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, the SNCF said it was the victim of“a massive attack to paralyze the network” TGVs and asked “to travelers to postpone their trip and not to go to the station”Friday July 26.
“SNCF was the victim of several simultaneous malicious acts last night affecting the Atlantique, Nord and Est high-speed lines. Arson attacks were started to damage our facilities. (…) TGV traffic on the Atlantique, Nord and Est lines is very disrupted. We are diverting some trains on the classic line but we will have to cancel a large number of them.”SNCF said in its press release.
It is not only on the line between Paris and Tours and Paris-Le Mans that SNCF traffic is disrupted a few hours before the start of the traditional criss-crossing. Here is a detailed update on the disruptions. Follow our live stream.
#SNCF The Paris Police Prefecture “concentrates its workforce in Parisian stations”After “the massive attack” which is paralyzing the TGV network, announced Laurent Nuñez, Paris police prefect, on franceinfo. “We are strengthening the security system, that’s what we did this morning.”he added.
#SNCF “I condemn these criminal actions which will penalize French citizens and all users”denounces on X the president of the Grand-Est region, Franck Leroy.
the latest news
0 sec ago
It’s 9 o’clock, we’re taking stock of the news:
•#SNCF The SNCF suffered a “massive attack of scale to paralyze” its TGV network. The circulation of TGVs on the Atlantic, North and East axes will be “very disturbed”a few hours before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Follow our live stream.•#SNCF The railway company asks “to all travelers to postpone their trip and not to go to the station” while the Minister of Sports denounces “coordinated malicious acts.”
#SNCF Hello, waking up is a bit hard… my daughter was supposed to take a train from Nantes to Paris at 12:09 today. At the moment the train is delayed by 2 hours… She was supposed to arrive before the crowds of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, but she missed it! #PARIS2024
Margaux Duguetfranceinfo 0 sec ago
Dear @KlrDudugood luck to your daughter! If you are also in this situation, do not hesitate to let us know!
#SNCF “We will assess the impacts today for travelers and athletes, but also the impacts for this weekend which concern the smooth transport of all delegations to the competition sites. I want to condemn in the strongest possible terms what is happening this morning, it is truly appalling.”reacts on BFMTV the resigning Minister of Sports, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, following the malicious acts which targeted the SNCF network last night. #PARIS2024
#SNCF If you are affected by the very serious disruptions that the TGV network is currently experiencing, please let us know in the comments of the live.
#SNCF “SNCF was the victim of several simultaneous malicious acts last night affecting the Atlantique, Nord and Est high-speed lines. Arson attacks were started to damage our facilities. (…) TGV traffic on the Atlantique, Nord and Est lines is very disrupted. We are diverting some trains on the classic line but we will have to cancel a large number of them.”the SNCF press release further specifies.
#SNCF The disruptions should “last at least the whole weekend”the SNCF further specifies. Only the South-East line is not affected, because a malicious act was foiled.
franceinfo alert
0 sec ago
#SNCF The SNCF says it is the victim of“a massive attack to paralyze the network” TGV and request “to travelers to postpone their trip and not to go to the station.”
#SNCF The resigning Minister of Transport, Patrice Vergriete, also reacted to the disruption of SNCF traffic due to:“coordinated malicious acts”.
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