live on TF1, Paul El Kharrat confides in his deep discomfort

Known for being a champion of the show The 12 Coups de midi on TF1, Paul El Kharrat became a columnist on the show The Big Heads on RTL radio and therefore a public figure. We note that he has also written several books retracing an extraordinary journey, he who suffers from Asperger’s syndrome.

This Saturday, October 7, 2023, the 27-year-old young man was invited to the set of the show 50’Inside, hosted by Isabelle Ithurburu. Paul El Kharrat, who discovered at the age of 16 that he was autistic, explained that he always keeps a smile to hide something deeper. “To avoid showing too much that I am suffering and not very happy” did he declare. And to add: “You know since I was 3 years old, we have wondered what is going on in my head. We have wondered why I have these particularities, why I behave and speak like that.”

The one who had fallen out with Jean-Luc Reichmann then shared his suffering: “Today, we can be doing very well, everything can go well professionally, emotionally, personally, whatever you want… And then, the next day, something goes wrong and everything falls apart. feels like there’s nothing wrong anymore.”

And to add: “I know that it can come back but I do everything to prevent it. I know that there are medicinal substances that allow me to stabilize my mood and reduce my anxiety and sometimes that is not enough…”.

Against all expectations, Paul El Kharrat revealed that he had had suicidal thoughts: “I get stuck on things and it ruins my life a little while in the end there are a lot of things that are beautiful and worth living. Sometimes you don’t even want to live anymore. You have morbid and suicidal impulses, you suffer so much that you no longer know how to get through it because you know it will come back…” he concluded.


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