Live on RTL, Olivier Véran announces the opening of the fourth dose of vaccine!

Invited to take stock of the health measures linked to the pandemic in France, live from the airwaves of RTLOlivier Véran announced that the fourth dose of vaccine against covid-19 was going to be opened for all people from the age of 60 whose last vaccine dated from more than six months ago.

“We are offering it and it responds to a request from some fellow citizens who, although they are not 80, say to themselves ‘the virus is circulating a lot at the moment, I would be more reassured if I could have a reminder'”said the Minister of Health this Thursday, April 7, 2022.

“We know that a second booster vaccination reduces the risk of hospitalization, resuscitation, and death by 80%”, he then justified while specifying that this booster dose was in no way going to be mandatory. “It’s for those who want it. There is no question of the (health) pass, we are no longer there at all ”explained Olivier Véran.

In addition, Olivier Véran took the opportunity to silence the rumors concerning the return of the mandatory mask in closed places. “We have passed the peak of the rebound. This must be reinforced over time, but it validates our choices to lift the restrictions ”did he declare.

See also: The very disturbing confessions of Brigitte Macron

Lisa Ziane

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