LIVE – Ligue 2: follow Valenciennes-TFC on France Bleu Occitanie

Nice winners of Dijon last weekend at the Stadium (4-1), the men of Philippe Montanier will try to chain a second consecutive victory this Saturday in Valenciennes. Something that hasn’t happened for nearly five months.

The game live

The meeting is to be experienced in full on France Bleu Occitanie from 2:30 p.m.

The composition of the TFC

Deprived of Rhys Healey who remained with his partner for a happy event, the TFC started the meeting with Ado Onaiwu at the forefront of the attack.

The composition : Dupé – Desler, Nicolaisen, Rouault, Diakité – Spierings, Van den Boomen, Genreau – Ratao, Onaiwu, Ngoumou.

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