LIVE – Ligue 1: FC Nantes passes the Strasbourg test to stay in the right car

Alsace, “a good memory” loose Antoine Kombouaré. Back in Strasbourg, this Sunday afternoon, where he made his debut as a Ligue 1 coach, and where his team definitively launched its maintenance operation, last season, at the end of t a game with a twist, the FC Nantes technician knows that his team has a big deal to do. “There is this confidence that allows us to say that we can bring something backlaunches the former coach of Téfécé, Paris or even Guingamp who will be deprived of Wylan Cyprien, positive for Covid-19. We go there with ambitions. We want to play a great game. It’s amazing what we’re going through.”

The dynamic is even better in Strasbourg, the second best attack in the championship and which already counts ten points more than last season at the same time. Even deprived of Habib Diallo, Kévin Gameiro and Jean-Eudes Aholou, Julien Stéphan’s team looks great. “It’s a very good teamis wary of the Brazilian side Fabio. It’s up to us to focus on winning and having fun.“Before specifying that for the moment the objective is not”to go for the top 4, top 5 or top 6. It doesn’t work like that“, he assures. Nevertheless, if successful, the Canaries could find themselves tied on points with their Sunday opponent. In the right car. .

All FC Nantes matches on France Bleu Loire Océan

  • The 23rd chapter of the Ligue 1 season, between FC Nantes and RC Strasbourg, is to be experienced in full from 2:30 p.m. this Sunday, with Florian Cazzola’s comments from the Meinau stadium, accompanied by Oscar Lippert and his consultants. And you at to give your opinion, ask your questions and analyze this match on France Bleu Loire Océan.

A victory to get closer to the top 5?

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