Live in “TPMP”, Matthieu Delormeau balances on an ex who was a “real bad blow”!

There’s the Movember, and there’s also the Veganuary. In other words, the vegan month during which we avoid eating anything that is animal or comes from animals. And where we try to have a 100% vegetable diet. A subject raised on TPMP and which sparked debate. Particularly between Matthieu Delormeau who considers this diet “silly” and Delphine Wespiser who has been vegan for several years. Although she tried to convince her colleague, it was ultimately another subject that caught the attention of Cyril Hanouna. Namely, an ex of Matthieu Delormeau.
It is precisely by evoking this 100% vegetable diet that the columnist came to it. This one asking Baba: “But it’s a celebrity show, not a vegan show, right?”. The host then throws him: “Are you a vegan?” Matthieu Delormeau assuring that it seemed impossible and for good reason. It did not take less for the troublemaker of the PAF to seize the pole and retort: “Are you eating too much merguez?”, causing a huge laugh on the set and especially among the main concerned. The latter bouncing around and taking the opportunity to tell a hilarious anecdote about the time he dated a vegan person. “No, not at all. However, you don’t think so well. A little while ago, I didn’t want to make mistakes with the dates because I have a boyfriend I don’t want to .. . “, he began embarrassed, being careful not to reveal a secret that he should not reveal, before adding: “I meet a boy who is very pretty and who says to me ‘hey I’m vegan’. I don’t care, I pretend to be interested in his passion because that’s not what excited me and suddenly “.
Cyril Hanouna then cutting his columnist to place a new joke: “Well believe me, he was washing a kernel of corn instead of …” Immediately cut by Matthieu Delormeau who assured that this was not the case. On the other hand, another point had greatly bothered him during his time spent with his “vegan crush”. The former presenter of the Mag ofNRJ12 first recounting the 100% vegetable meal he had to “endure”: “It was all disgusting! He said to me ‘like a soy steak, stuff’ … It was all yucky and I was like ‘but damn when do we fuck …?’ Indeed, it was, in the end, the most awaited moment by the chronicler but even on this point he announced that he was disappointed: “And besides you know what? It was a bad move!” No chance that he will be tempted again by a vegetable diet, in every sense of the word.

See also: Matthieu Delormeau (TPMP) fired: “We’re going to stop there…”


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