Like every day of the week, Tuesday May 16, 2023, “Do not touch my post” was back on the eighth channel. A program during which Cyril Hanouna and his columnists as usual decipher the news of the moment. Attack on Brigitte Macron’s great-nephew, debate on the subversive attitude of La Zarra following his defeat at Eurovision or news item, on the set of the talk show, tongues were loosened to discuss subjects as diverse as they are varied… Only then, while the host was denouncing the terrible abuse suffered by a dog in a small town in the Oise, the latter suddenly stopped for a very specific reason… Indeed, the one that his fans affectionately nicknamed “Baba” was suddenly intrigued by sound effects in the public…
” What is happening ? There is a mess or what! », he launched as background noises were increasingly heard. A spectator seated in the back row then spoke. And against all odds, the latter let it be known that she had had an altercation with a woman sitting next to her. “Good evening, sorry, please excuse me ma’am, but this person keeps talking, I think she might want to go out, she can’t stand the show anymore”she told Cyril Hanouna before being interrupted by her seat neighbor whose words were inaudible.
“Yes, but you are disturbing! You disturb spectators and spectators, I’m sorry, it becomes really painful and unbearable “, she added, this time addressing the lady concerned.
See also: Cyril Hanouna and Laeticia Hallyday: between them, it’s war!
Cyril Hanouna eases tensions
A stormy conversation that Cyril Hanouna directly wanted to arbitrate to ease the tensions on his set: “I see that it has been talking for two hours! Thanks for telling us! How are you ma’am, how are you? Don’t worry, everything will be fine! », he told the angry woman in the audience before turning to his neighbor to ask if she wanted to leave the set: “What’s going on ma’am, you can’t stand the show anymore?” », he asked. To which the main interested party let it be known that she was simply thirsty! “It’s La Zarra!” », dropped the chroniclers, hilarious, to lighten the atmosphere. A little quip came to close this parenthesis in a good mood.