live in “The Voice”, he confides in his chemotherapy sessions

This Saturday, May 7, 2022, TF1 broadcast the cross-battle test of season 11 of “The Voice”. A decisive evening since at the end of the votes, the 10 remaining candidates obtained the status of semi-finalists of this new edition of the telecrochet. Happy to find Amel Bent, Vianney, Marc Lavoine and Florent Pagny, Nikos Aliagas did not hesitate to comment on the appearance of the latter. “A two-tone jacket that suits you well, a new cut that reminds me of 20 years ago“launched the host.

Florent Pagny, who appeared in “The Voice” for the first time with a shaved head, then responded by openly evoking his fight against cancer: “There, it’s even more of a cut. It’s true that events rushed… You say to yourself, I’m going to shorten their suffering (to the hair, editor’s note), do something more correct because these chemos, it makes you lose a little hair. But it’s okay, it doesn’t prevent us from staying in shape and still looking good“.

Always very teasing, Nikos Aliagas outbid by saying: It suits you very well, you are a fighter. I’ll tell you something, you have a Jedi master side like that. Yoda master“. Amel Bent also teased his friend and colleague by saying:Looks like the professor with the X-Men“. The 60-year-old singer was then treated to a standing ovation from the entire audience, all of the talent and his fellow jurors.

As a reminder, it was on January 25 that Florent Pagny announced that he had cancer. The artist had indeed explained to be forced to interrupt his concert tour because ofa tumor in the lung, a not very sympathetic cancerous tumor which cannot be operated”.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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