Live in C à Vous, a famous French actress goes behind the scenes of a shoot with Johnny Hallyday

Not sure they invite each other for dinner together. Indeed, between Sandrine Bonnaire and Laeticia Hallyday, we cannot say that there is a great friendship. At least, that’s what we can think when we remember what Johnny Hallyday said about the Caesarized actress after shooting with her for the film. “Bastard, we love you”. A feature film by Claude Lelouch released in cinemas in 2014 in which the Taulier plays the role of a father of four daughters whom he “leaves” to recharge his batteries in the Alps. During filming, the former rock star therefore spent a lot of time with Sandrine Bonnaire and indulged in a strange statement that probably did not please the mother of Jade and Joy. “If I weren’t madly in love with Laeticia, she could be the woman of my life”, reported in particular our colleagues from Allociné.

Johnny Hallyday making it clear, with these words, that he appreciated a lot, even a little too much, the one to whom he gave the reply for Claude Lelouch’s film. And this feeling, the actress seems to have perceived it as she indicated on the set of C à Vous this Friday, January 14. Invited on Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine’s show to talk about the director’s latest film, Love is better than life, Sandrine Bonnaire made a funny revelation about the kiss she had been able to exchange with the old rock glory. “Johnny came towards me, he rolled me a big skate, as we say vulgarly, but it was a nice cinema kiss. I did not expect that “, she revealed before Claude Lelouch provided more details on this “exchange”: “It’s not a movie couple. They fell in love right away.”. Not sure that Laeticia Hallyday is not delighted to learn it…

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