This feature film tells the story of a love triangle that was dynamited by the arrival of AIDS in the 1990s. To be seen on the big screen from September 25.
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Directed by Gaël Morel, the film To live, to die, to be reborn, also presented at Cannes Première at the Cannes 2024 Festival, takes place in the 1990s, when the HIV virus was wreaking havoc. The feature film tells the story of a love triangle, played on screen by Lou Lampros, Victor Belmondo and Théo Christine. What could have been a romantic flirtation at the end of the last century is blown up by the arrival of AIDS.
While they expected the worst, the destiny of each character will take an unexpected turn with the arrival of the triple therapy. The treatment will give hope for life to HIV-positive people, in real life as well as to the character in the film Cyril (Victor Belmondo) who contracted the AIDS virus.When he thinks he is doomed, he manages to do so a force and an energy of work and inspiration. But it is not the arrival of triple therapy that makes him lose his momentum, it is the loss of the loved one“, explains Victor Belmondo, on the occasion of the screening of the film at the Angoulême Francophone Film Festival.
The film Live, Die and Be Reborn
The film Live, Die and Be Reborn
(France 3 Poitou-Charente: I.Hirsh/C.Guinot/C.Grivet)
With To live, to die, to be reborn, Gaël Morel wanted to tell the story of the genesis of AIDS, when the virus attacks an entire generation that really didn’t expect it. This love triangle is a love story on the side of life that persists despite the tragic ambush. A film that the director hopes will be comforting and encouraging for today’s youth. To portray the characters, he chose three young actors who are the same age as their roles. Lou Lampros (Emma), Théo Christine (Sammy) and Victor Belmondo (Cyril), whose resemblance to his grandfather is striking.
For the actor Théo Christine who captured the attention of the young audience in the series SKAM France, To live, to die, to be reborn don’t just talk about the disease. “It’s above all a film about the carefree nature of youth and its immense appetite for life. It’s just a young man who thinks he’s immortal, who just loves to live, it’s just a passion for love that led him to all this,” comments the young actor who plays the character of Sammy, contaminated by the virus.
In the film’s credits, two nice surprises await the audience, two icons of the 90s: the actress Amanda Lear in the role of a nightclub owner and the singer Elli Medeiros in that of an art gallery where Cyril exhibits his photos.
To Live, Die, Be Reborn will be released in theaters on September 25, 2024.