LIVE – Coupe de France: FC Nantes, against Monaco, 90 minutes from a final at the Stade de France

Twenty-two years later, FC Nantes has a dream opportunity to rediscover the joy of playing in the Coupe de France final at the Stade de France. In a sold-out Beaujoire, this Wednesday evening, the Canaries will try to beat Monaco, one of their pet peeves in the 19th century. Thrilling!

There is nothing more beautiful than to blow up the Beaujoire again and take our supporters to the Stade de France“, promises FC Nantes coach Antoine Kombouaré. Undefeated at home since December 1, the Canaries will try to continue their very good series, against Monaco, this Wednesday evening in the semi-finals of the Coupe de France. “It’s one of the biggest games of the year for us.blows midfielder Samuel Moutoussamy. The most exciting that I will play with FC Nantes. We want to heat Beaujoire.“The approximately 34,000 spectators who will be present in the den of the Yellow and Green are only asking for that!

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To try to reach the final of the “Old lady“For the first time in 22 years, the triple winner of the competition will be able to count on the extremely important feedback of Jean-Charles Castelletto, Moses Simon and Quentin Merlin, recovered from Covid-19. And it will not be too much to try to have an opponent against whom he has not won for eight matches. “They will doubt a little because they are not on a good series but I expect a revenge teamassures the Kanak back on the bench, this Wednesday evening. They have a lot of qualities with great players. They may be playing their season in the Coupe de France, they won’t give us a gift.“The Yellows would be well advised to do the same!

Live the 18th semi-final of the Canaries in the Coupe de France on France Bleu

  • The Coupe de France semi-final between FC Nantes and AS Monaco is to be experienced in full on the antennas of France Bleu Loire Océan, from 8 p.m. this Wednesday, with comments by Florian Cazzola at the Beaujoire stadium, accompanied Oscar Lippert, Charlotte Lorgeré, captain of the Canaries, and Sébastien Denis, former Ligue 1 referee. We are waiting for your questions, reactions and analyzes live at

FC Nantes remains on eight matches without success against AS Monaco!

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