Little Emile’s grandfather speaks for the first time to restore the truth!

The weeks pass and the mystery unfortunately remains unsolved… Since July 8, 2023, the date on which little Émile was seen for the last time in Haut-Vernet, not far from his grandparents’ home, the question remains the same : what happened to the little boy aged two and a half?

More than two months after the disappearance of the child in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, theThe investigation is obviously continuing to find the toddler while the child’s parents, Marie and Colomban, do not lose hope of finding their little Emile.

During an interview with the media

Christian Family

Tuesday August 29, 2023, the little boy’s parents made it known that they did not despair at the idea of ​​finding their child. And it is from their faith that they draw the strength they need to hope for a miracle.

Also see: Cédric Jubillar explains why he hid certain things from Delphine!

“To pass for crazy people…”

An interview during which the latter, however, complained of seeing their faith ridiculed by certain media:“Some claim that we go to mass several times a day, others that we quietly went to church to pray during the hunts, with the aim of making us appear as enlightened people who rely solely on prayer, neglecting action. However, we gave our all on both fronts according to our strengths.” And to quote the theologian Ignatius of Loyola: “Pray as if acting were useless and act as if prayer were useless.”

Accused on numerous occasions of being part of a sect and of being fundamentalist Catholics, the couple also responded to this during this interview: “We are not ashamed to love the traditional mass that we attend in our diocese. We also lead the polyphonic and Gregorian choir there as a family. We campaign with Colomban at the Charlier center, at the origin of the pilgrimage of Our Lady of Christianity [un pèlerinage ‘de la résistance chrétienne et nationale’, selon ses organisateurs, N.D.L.R.]”. A clear clarification… And besides, Emile’s grandparents also wanted to express themselves.

Grandparents speak

Always with the media Christian FamilyAnne and Philippe Vedovini, indeed wanted to reestablish the truth. “I come across as a dominator who terrorizes everyone… All of this is false, but I don’t care”assured Emile’s grandfather in particular.

Fortunately, hundreds of French people provide support to grandparents every day: “It’s very moving for us to continue to receive many letters. You just have to open a few of them to bring tears to your eyes. There is such a gap between the reaction of the French and that of the media”explained Anne for her part.


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