Listen to the FB Gard Lozère / Midi Libre debate on the second district of Gard

You may have followed it live this Tuesday evening on France Bleu Gard Lozère: the great debate with our colleagues from Midi Libre on the 2nd district of Gard, in view of the 2022 legislative elections. Elections taking place on June 12 and 19. The debate led by Jérôme Plaidi (France Bleu Gard Lozère) and Gil Lorfèvre (Midi Libre), took place in public at the Musée de la Romanité, in Nîmes. Five of the ten candidates were gathered on the set.

The outgoing RN deputy Nicolas Meizonnet, candidate for re-election, had in front of him Yvan Lachaud, for Horizons, the party of Edouard Philippe (Presidential Majority, Coralie Ghirardi, for the New Popular Ecological and Social Union, Frédéric Touzellier for the Republicans, and Anthony Leroy, for Eric Zemmour’s party, “Reconquest!”

And don’t miss, this Wednesday evening, a new appointment 6 p.m. / 7 p.m., always with Midi Libre: this time a debate on the 6th district of Gard.

The complete list of candidates for the second constituency of Gard:

  • Coralie Ghirardi (Nupes – La France Insoumise)
  • Yvan Lachaud (Horizons)
  • Geneviève Bourrely (Stand up for France)
  • Stéphane Manson (Labour Fight)
  • Frédéric Touzellier (The Republicans)
  • Julien Voiron (Pirate Party)
  • Nicolas Meizonnet (National Rally, outgoing deputy)
  • Zakaria Moukite (Movement of Free Ecologists)
  • Anthony Leroy (Reconquest!)
  • Pierre-Jean Sevilla

You can also find here all your candidates for Gard and Lozère.

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