listen to the debate of the 4th constituency of Indre-et-Loire

Who will sit in the National Assembly after the legislative elections on Sunday June 12 and Sunday June 19? Five seats are at stake in Indre-et-Loire. The 4th constituency concerns the south-west of Indre-et-Loire, which is commonly called Chinon. Outgoing MP Fabienne Colboc (Renaissance, ex-LREM) is a candidate for his succession. Facing her, nine candidates.

  • Laurent Baumel, New Popular Ecological and Social Union
  • Nesrine Ben Lahcen, unlabeled
  • Jean-François Bellanger, National Rally
  • Francis Chambers, unlabeled
  • Fabienne Colboc, Together
  • Caroline Deforge, Independent Ecologists
  • Olivier de La Ferté, Reconquest!
  • Kévin Gardeau, Labor struggle
  • Sophie Lagrée, The Republicans – UDI – New center
  • Jacques Masset, Animalist Party

Listen to the debate of the 4th constituency of Indre-et-Loire

The 4th constituency in a few figures

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