listen to the debate before the second round on the 3rd constituency

They are three to meet in the second round of the legislative elections in the third constituency of the Dordogne. It is one of the seven triangular in France. In Périgord Vert, Cyril Girardeau de la Nupes, Jean-Pierre Cubertafon outgoing deputy candidate of Ensemble and Florence Joubert candidate of the National Rally compete for the post of deputy for the next five years.

After the first round, Cyril Girardeau came first with 23.68% of the votei.e. 140 ballots more than Jean-Pierre Cubertafon the outgoing deputy (23.37%). Florence Joubert, the RN candidate came third with 22.36% of the vote. The regional councilor has managed to maintain herself thanks to the strong turnout in this constituency.

Emmanuel Macron’s balance sheet denounced

This Wednesday, June 15, these three candidates met in the studios of France Bleu Périgord to debate for almost an hour. During the debate, the incumbent MP was attacked by his opponents on the decisions of the government. Cyril Girardeau criticizes in particular the drop in APL of 5 euros from the start of the five-year term. Florence Joubert, the RN candidate denounces the vote for the health pass. Jean-Pierre Cubertafon wanted him to mark the differences for him “there are three blocks, a far-right block, a far-left block and then I believe the block of Democrats and Republicans”. Cyril Girardeau does not agree “and you are the bloc of extreme centrists? challenges the candidate NUPES “to put the PS and the ecologists in the extreme left? in five years, if one continues the UDI will be counted with the black blocks”. Florence Joubert also denounces this far-right label that sticks to Marine Le Pen’s National Rally.

The polemical phrase about the police

The RN candidate and the NUPES candidate attack Emmanuel Macron’s balance sheet and sometimes make proposals that are similar, such as on purchasing power. They both propose to lower the VAT on essential products “It guarantees everyone access to basic necessities”. For Florence Joubert, it was the NUPES which copied an old proposal by Marine Le Pen. But when it is pointed out to them that they agree on certain economic proposals, the candidates stand out on the values ​​defended. Florence Joubert denounces certain remarks by Jean-Luc Méléchon on the police “When we say that the police kill, we find it shocking and we cannot agree”. Jean-Pierre Cubertafon also challenges Cyril Girardeau on this controversial sentence “Do you realize the power of this word?”. Florence Joubert, asks for more resources for the police, Jean-Pierre Cubertafon replies that we have never put so much money for the police as over this five-year term.

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