Lionel Messi on top in Ibiza, with his wife Antonela very sexy in a swimsuit

The end of the holidays has soon come for Lionel Messi who takes full advantage of his last moments of relaxation from his dream villa in the Balearic Islands. It must be said that the Argentinian with 7 Ballons d’Or has had a particularly complicated season since his arrival in Paris last summer. After spending his entire career at Barcelona, ​​the 35-year-old striker had a difficult first year alongside Kylian Mbappé and Neymar. This is the reason why he seems very happy and happy to be able to rest a bit with his friends and family, away from the pressure of the capital club.

After a particularly successful birthday party, Lionel Messi continues to enjoy the pleasures the Balearic Islands have to offer. Aboard a magnificent yacht, which he shares with his great friend Cesc Fabregas, the Argentinian genius can bask in the sun alongside the one who makes his heart beat, the sublime Antonela Roccuzzo. As a couple for years, the two lovebirds got married in 2017 and together they had three beautiful boys. Very active on Instagram, the 34-year-old Argentine is extremely popular since she is followed by more than 19.8 million subscribers. She just posted a nice photo of his couple which greatly pleased their fans.

Antonela sublime in a swimsuit

In the photo, we can see Lionel Messi and Antonela Roccuzzo posing, all smiles, under the sun of Formentera. Already well tanned, the two lovers spend a dream moment in this heavenly place. Posted less than 24 hours ago, the post has already received more than 2 million likes and Marco Verratti’s wife, Jessica Aidi left a very flattering comment. “Couple goals”she writes to show how much the Parisian striker and his childhood sweetheart represent a perfect couple.

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