Lionel Jospin compares the New Popular Front to a “dike” against a possible wave of the far right

“The left is doing its duty”, comments the former socialist Prime Minister in an interview with “Le Monde”, while castigating the dissolution, because “once again, Emmanuel Macron has decided alone”.



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Former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin in Paris, June 9, 2024. (GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT / AFP)

It’s Lionel Jospin’s turn to deliver his analysis of the political situation in France and the dissolution. “Once again, Emmanuel Macron has decided alone”notably regrets the former socialist Prime Minister in an interview with World published Sunday June 16. “LThe president could give himself the time to weigh the risks he was taking on the country at a time when the National Rally is progressing.”he continues again, accusing him of leading the French “in his haste”with a very short electoral campaign. This is not reasonnable.”

“I would invoke (…) arrogance and lightness. Because it is not enough to surprise to become the master of the game.”

Lionel Jospin, former Prime Minister

in the world”

“Emmanuel Macron is unpopular. His party, Renaissance, has no real existence and will undoubtedly lose a number of deputies”further analyzes Lionel Jospin, who also evokes a party of the classic right”The Republicans, “in the midst of a crisis, under the effect of the desertion of its president, the indecent Mr. [Eric] Ciotti.”

“The New Popular Front is one of the dikes against which the wave can break.”

Lionel Jospin, former Prime Minister

in the world”

Asked about the formation of the New Popular Front, Lionel Jospin believes that “the left is doing its duty” and judge “healthy” that La France insoumise, the Socialist Party, the French Communist Party and the Ecologists have managed to find an agreement, “despite known discrepancies”. “And II am delighted that Raphaël Glucksmann, who has just had a great European campaign, did not stay away.”he adds.

The National Rally “is just as dangerous as its predecessor”also believes Lionel Jospin. “It is the party of a clan. It is nationalist, xenophobic, and many of its proposals offend our republican principles.” The former socialist Prime Minister believes that he is not “no need to invoke fascism to warn against the National Rally”. But the fact that this movement becomes ‘respectable’ and advances masked does not prevent him from being dangerous”.

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