links between Marine Le Pen and Russia?


Video length: 2 min.

France news

Article written by

C. Motte, J. Assouly, JM. Lequertier, A. Pacary, J. Chouquet – franceinfo

France Televisions

A parliamentary report on foreign interference that points to links between the National Rally and Russia will soon be made public. Marine Le Pen, as well as several members of her party, said she was indignant.

There was only to see, Thursday 1er June, the closed face of Marine Le Pen, to guess a certain embarrassment. In question, a parliamentary report from the commission of inquiry into foreign interference, written by a Renaissance deputy. The National Rally is described there as the “conveyor belt” of Russian propaganda, and it affirms that on the Crimea, Marine Le Pen took word for word the official language of the Putin regime, at the very moment when she asked a loan from a Czech-Russian bank in 2014.

Marine Le Pen denounces a political trial

The report also points to his coming to the Kremlin in March 2017, a few weeks before the presidential election. Clearly, the majority accuses him of having created a whole system of connivance. For Marine Le Pen, this conclusion is only a political trial. However, it is the Rassemblement national itself which proposed this commission of inquiry. On May 24, Marine Le Pen, interviewed for four hours, assured that her loan to this bank was perfectly legal. The report will be made public next week. Enough to undermine the normalization strategy of the National Rally, which arrived in force at the Assembly a year ago.

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