Line Renaud: First appearance of her new little companion… too cute!

The end of life is a period that is very close to the heart of Line Renaud. Especially since she experienced a horrible trauma in the face of the death of her own mother. “If our life belongs to us, so must our death. I sincerely hope that this law will pass, and quickly. I can’t see people suffering, she continued in the columns of the newspaper The Parisian. Twenty years ago, I notably accompanied my mother, who suffered from bowel disease, at the end of her life. She kept asking me, ‘Do something! I am deeply hurt !’ I couldn’t do anything, I didn’t have medicine strong enough for this kind of pain. I felt so bad.

One thing is certain, Line Renaud will live for a long time, so long, for our greatest pleasure to all. If her entourage is sometimes reduced in pain, one element will always be there to bring her a little joy: the happy little dog she has just adopted.

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