Line Papin, the wife of Marc Lavoine with an open heart on this pregnancy which has turned her upside down enormously

If Marc Lavoine is illustrated in music, his wife Line Papin flourishes in literature. Last March, the young woman unveiled her new book entitled “A possible life” to Stock editions. In her book, the main interested party confided in abortion. A subject still taboo in France… During the first confinement in 2020, Line Papin suffered a miscarriage.

A year after the loss of her twins, the pretty brunette got pregnant again. But she decided to abort. This Wednesday, April 6, 2022 on the show Boomerang on France Inter, Line Papin spoke about her relationship to motherhood.

“Before my pregnancies, the word ‘feminism’ meant nothing to me. I was born in 1995, the pill and contraception were acquired”, she analyzed in front of Augustin Trapenard and to specify: “When I got pregnant, I realized that I was a woman, even though I felt like the equal of men. I had inherited a fight, my female body had a story.

“It was not trivial to be a woman”

Through her chapters, the author wanted to highlight the emancipation of women. “Starting from my belly, in which another being could be born, I said to myself that this belly was political and that it was not insignificant to be a woman”, explained Line Papin. His autofiction story was a real therapy for the star. Cash, she talks about her moments of doubt and her departure from the marital home.

“I need to get out of our apartment, because of this room for unborn children, with this neon pink ‘life is beautiful’, because of the other children’s rooms [ceux de Marc Lavoine]those of those who were born, but not of me, because of dreams, because of disappointments”, can we read in an extract unveiled by Paris Match. A way for her to extinguish certain rumors centered on her couple…


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