Line B of the Rennes metro, report today at Cleunay station

On the occasion of the commissioning of line B of the Rennes metro this Tuesday, September 20, France Bleu Armorique invites you to discover how we experience this opening around the stations.

After 8 years of work and tests, line B of the Rennes metro opens this Tuesday, September 20 at 5:15 a.m.

As on line A (inaugurated in March 2002), the metro is automatiquewith 24 2-car trainsets.

But this line B and its stations are sized to accommodate 3-car trains.

Report today around Cleunay station

Long from 14 kilometers including 11 underground lines, line B crosses the municipalities of Cesson-Sévigné, Rennes and Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande, from the northeast to the southwest of the metropolis, connecting the Cesson – Viasilva stations to Saint-Jacques – Gaiety.

This line B connects with line A at the stations Saint Anne and Stations and has 15 stations, 3 of which are aerial, Viasilva, Atalante and Beaulieu – University.

Line B is accompanied by 3 park and ride facilities, in Saint-Jacques – Gaîté (800 spaces + 200 bicycle spaces), in Gayeulles (400 spaces) and in Cesson-Viasilva (800 spaces + 200 bicycle spaces)

Access to line b will be completely free until Sunday 25 September.

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If the line is put into service this Tuesday, September 20 at 5:15 a.m., it will be followed by an increased bus offer from October 24.

source site-38