Lindsay Lohan as a couple: first very discreet outing with her new darling

Wonderful news for Lindsay Lohan! According to the Daily Mail, the 35-year-old American actress has found love again and is now in a relationship. Indeed, according to the British tabloid, this romance has already been unfolding for several years. A love story made in the greatest secrecy …

This Friday, October 29, 2021, the two lovebirds disembarked at John F. Kennedy International Airport located in New York (see slideshow). And getting off the plane, the American actress and her mysterious lover were seen dressed almost in similar outfits. A detail that has not escaped the English-speaking media … Still according to the words of the Daily Mail, the idyll enters Bader shammas and Lindsay Lohan started two years ago. They reportedly met at a music festival in Dubai sometime before the Covid-19 pandemic.

About the young man, a source close to the star had revealed to the Sun, last May, some information on the identity of the young thirty-something: “He is not an actor, he is not in the entertainment industry, he manages funds for high net worth people at Credit Suisse“. A relationship that risks becoming official soon since, to believe the words of this same source, the marriage should not be long …”They will eventually get married in the near future. She’s 34, it’s only a matter of time“, reported the informant at the time.

A professional outing

While Lindsay Lohan had deserted the film sets in recent years, everything suggests that the actress is preparing her comeback. And his return to New York (alongside his new darling) would also have something to do with it. Because according to the words of the magazine Variety, last May, the cult actress of the film Lolita in spite of me will be the heroine of an upcoming romantic comedy by Netflix. A Christmas production in which she will play the role of an heiress to a hotel empire, just engaged and victim of a skiing accident. Suffering from amnesia, his character will be cared for by a handsome chalet owner …

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