Linda Hardy: Tender memories of her story with Johnny Hallyday

From the love life of Linda Hardy, two love stories are known. The one with the father of her son Andréa, born in 2010, from whom she is now divorced. And the highly publicized one of her relationship with singer Johnny Hallyday. Feelings were born in 1994. Johnny Hallyday, 51, and Linda Hardy, 21, then began their romance of “4, 5 months” before putting an end to it. This break has in no way spoiled the memories that the actress of Research section care of this enchanted parenthesis of his life.

At Non Stop People, Linda Hardy confided in the person that was Johnny Hallyday: “He was someone who was so extraordinary. In my family, my parents and my brother have incredible memories of the wonderful man he was. […] It was a wonderful meeting and it brought to light how amazing people who are big stars can be.“Remarks she had also made in front of Amanda Sthers:”He is someone for whom I have a lot of esteem and a lot of admiration, who beyond being the great gentleman we know, is above all someone extremely kind, generous, a beautiful soul. This is what is important above all.

Did they stay on good terms after the breakup?

The two exes remained on good terms. After the death of Johnny Hallyday in December 2017, Linda Hardy paid him a beautiful tribute in the caption of a snapshot of the two of them together posted on his Instagram account: “I could say so many things about the exceptional man that you were. A diamond in the rough. A solid gold heart. I’m sad. My thoughts this morning go out to Laura, David, Joy, Jade and the most wonderful of women. Laeticia. Immortal Johnny among the Angels. Rest among yours.”

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