Linda Hardy not convinced by the former candidate of the Star Ac

It was time for secrets for Linda Hardy. This Thursday, April 21, 2022, the actress gave an exclusive interview to our colleagues from Tele-Leisure. Faced with journalists, she confided at length on her last shoot for the saga “Research Section” broadcast on TF1. To put it in a box, the ex-beauty queen took pleasure in finding former colleagues. However, in its infancy, the feeling didn’t really get along with some of them.

“I didn’t really understand his jokes”

“At the time, there were people with whom I got along less well, without having any disagreements or affinities, but with whom I got along very well on this shoot”, confessed the ex-girlfriend of Johnny Hallyday. “Each evolved, which allowed us to discover each other for real.” Like Jean-Pascal Lacoste… To believe his words, the darling of Delphine Tellier did not seduce her right away.

“At the time, I didn’t find him very funny, I didn’t really understand his jokes”, added Linda Hardy. Let their fans be reassured, the two actors have come to appreciate each other over time. To date, the proud dad of two has it “makes me laugh a lot”. “I find him so friendly. It was a great mutual discovery”, clarified the ex-beauty queen.

“I have been training for a month and a half”

If Linda Hardy shines brilliantly in the middle of the 7ᵉ art, other fields interest her just as much as underlined Gala. For example, Andrea’s mother wants to become a naturopath.

“I have been training for a month and a half which will last three years, which does not prevent me from exercising my profession as an actress”she explained last October during a charity evening organized in Champagne-Ardenne. “All last weekend I was into biochemistry, cells, very, very, very complicated things… but it’s been my passion for a long time. […].I have the feeling that today when you practice this profession well, which obviously does not replace traditional medicine, it is an activity that can be extremely useful in prevention.” All in all, a great project!


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