Linda Hardy mom: very rare photos with her son Andrea, a “wonder” like her dad!

Ohhhhh Happy Birthday Andrea! Kisses to all 3 for this precious day 🙂“, “What a nice baby. Happy birthday to Andréa, little tiger becomes big #12 years old“, “Happy birthday to him! #teamfish“, “Happy birthday to your little prince big kisses my beautiful Linda“, “It’s too cute in the photos. Happy birthday to your great champion“, “Happy Birthday to Andrea!!! How cute is he in the photos. Lots of kisses to him!” can we read in the comments.

In April 2020, the ex-candidate of Dance with the stars entrusted to Purepeople why she wanted so much to preserve the privacy of her precious little boy. “The day Andrea will show up, when he will have his Instagram account, for example, he will have chosen it. This will mean that he will have had my authorization and that of his dad. At that time, he will do what he wants, under our control of course“, she had explained. Usually very reserved, she had also given some details about Andrea’s father : “His father is extremely discreet. He doesn’t want to expose our son and I find that quite respectable.

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