Linda Evangelista disfigured by surgery: she finally shows herself in photos, moving testimony

As a reminder, Linda Evangelista filed a complaint in September 2021 against Zeltiq Aesthetics Inc., the parent company behind CoolSculpting; it claims the sum of 50 million dollars in damages. It is a medical technique that promises to destroy fat cells in the body or face by cold using devices approved by the FDA, the American health agency. The Canadian star, ex-girlfriend of French footballer Fabien Barthez, had seven sessions with a dermatologist between August 2015 and February 2016. Unfortunately, she suffered terrible side effects.

As she explained to People, in the three months following her treatment, she noticed that several areas of her body – the chin, the thighs or even the chest – began to swell and harden before they did not become numb. “I tried to sort this out on my own, thinking I was doing something wrong. I came to not eat at all, I was losing my mind“, she said. Finally, exasperated and worried, she then returned to the doctor to show him the damage. And the verdict fell: she was a victim of paradoxical adipose hyperplasiaa rare complication – CoolSculpting claims that it affects less than 1% of its patients – which has the opposite effects of those initially sought!

The company then offered to pay for the star to pay for liposuction of the swollen areas with the doctor of his choice for “fix things“. But she had to sign a confidentiality agreement. Categorical refusal from Linda Evangelista, who however paid for two operations out of her own pocket, in June 2016 and July 2017. Unfortunately, she has not found her former body since. .

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