Limoges CSP: the club launches the Cercle Saint Pierre Superior School, its training organization

The Limoges CSP is embarking on training. As of January 4, the Cercle Saint Pierre Superior School will welcome its very first promotion for a little less than a year. Composed of ten students, it will issue a BP JEPS. A diploma intended for those who wish to work in the region’s basketball clubs. Before this inaugural return, the general manager of the club Pierre Fargeaud says more about this project and the motivations of Limoges CSP.

What does this training consist of and who is it for Pierre Fargeaud?

The public are future sports educators. We put ourselves at the service of basketball clubs in the region and more precisely in Haute-Vienne and Limousin. There is always a need for supervisors in sports associations, for people who will be able to carry the project of a club and who will be able to supervise teams of young people or less young teams. But that presupposes having skills. The objective of this 1st training is to provide all the necessary training for these work-study students, to have people trained and who can then go and offer their services to clubs in the region. There will be 2 to 3 days of lessons per week and the rest of the time, the work-study students will be in their club for their missions which are entrusted by their president. It is an environment that we must also understand. The objective is rather to have a mobilized number of work-study students but that we can ensure their employability and that we are sure that the training is well completed and of quality.

It is sometimes a little complicated to go to train in Bordeaux to come back to your club on weekends

Who will provide the lessons?

We will have internal stakeholders at Limoges CSP. Assistant coaches can intervene. There may be former club coaches. I am thinking more particularly of Bertrand Parvaud. And there will be speakers from the Nouvelle-Aquitaine basketball league who also know the sport perfectly. For the purely theoretical part, there is Cheops where a land can also be used. For the practical implementation, we will be on different sites made available and in Beaublanc.

Were there needs like these concerning basketball in Limoges?

In Limoges, that no longer existed. At the moment, it is rather taught on the Bordeaux side. But you have to understand that when you live in Guéret or Evaux-les-Bains, it is sometimes a little complicated to go to train in Bordeaux to come back to your club on weekends. We offer on the territory an alternative to what is rather based on the Atlantic coast.

It is a diversification of activities

Is it the role of a professional club to embark on training?

Yes, it is a diversification of activities. You have to think globally about the development of a club. This was already the case with the creation of the brewery. The idea is to go really towards this diversification, to have several activities. This makes it possible to have a synergy of skills and to ensure the development of the club’s activity in several branches. A training company is a business like any other. We are of course a company that is independent. This training organization is, I hope, one of the pillars of the development of the future CSP.

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