Limoges CSP: meeting the intendant Khaled Belkheir, “my meeting with Fred changed my life”

39 years old, Khaled Belkheir is probably one of the oldest of Limoges CSP in contact with the professional group. His role, steward in charge of the equipment. But not only. “I’m a bit of a dabbler. It goes from the simple bottle of water to give with the towel on match night to taking care of the families of the players or taking care of the players themselves in their daily life. Try to make them as comfortable as possible“explains this shadow employee. As he has always lived in Limoges, his network helps a lot when it comes, for example, to find staff such as a housekeeper for a player.

Khaled Belkheir who arrived at Limoges CSP at the age of 13. As a player but also to lend a hand. “With the physiotherapist at the time, François Buffaud, whom I also had on the phone not long ago and that made me very happy. I just gave the bottles and towels in the evening when I was done homework“He remembers. Then the youth took place in the Coubertin district, a stone’s throw from Beaublanc. A sometimes eventful youth. Khaled then worked for the city of Limoges in school restaurants before returning to the club following the death of former president Frédéric Forte.

Without this meeting, I don’t know where I would be today

A real mentor for him. “It was a meeting that was essential in my life. I was failing at school. I was also not very wise at the time. Today, thank God, I have matured a bit. This relationship with Fred has brought me a lot of things. A little more serious with always the little carrot at the end. Over the years we’ve grown closer and I’m not ashamed to say it has changed my life. Without this meeting, I don’t know where I would be today“says Khaled modestly. An indelible memory and recognition.

Khaled Belkheir who in Limoges met many coaches. He liked the protective side of Mehdy Mary who knew his story. But another coach marked him when he was still a teenager: “Tanjevic! I was young so maybe I didn’t have the same perception as now. Small anecdote: one day, I was too close to the field during a match. I took a kick in the butt! When you’re young and this happens to you … It was a Euroleague match where you won with the buzzer on a basket from Jérôme Allen. Tanjevic was very demanding“.

Every morning when we wake up, we know where we’re going

If Khaled Belkheir works in basketball today, it is anything but chance. It is first and foremost his passion. He also played for 20 years as a leader. Especially at the CSP where today, he gives himself body and soul. “These are the things that drive us. Every morning when we get up, we know where we are going. When we love, we don’t count. It’s the case. We are animated every day by this passion, by these parquet noises … Even when we do something not necessarily pleasant like cleaning the equipment, we will do it because we are animated by it“he explains as a declaration of love for Limoges CSP and Beaublanc.

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