France bleu Limousin, partner of this week, took this opportunity to give a voice both to those who allow this right to be exercised and to those who are directly concerned: children. Thus, it is a happy troop of fifteen children from the Municipal Council of Limoges who seizes the microphones to sift the guests through their questions.
Maitre Nathalie Chauprade, president of the association Avo’droit the young and lawyer as well as Marie-Françoise Bardet, President of Unicef Limousin responded present.
– Valerie DELOS
Quickly the young journalists resume their seriousness
They open their questioning on issues related to war in the world. Child soldiers are mentioned by Nayel, 11, stressing that ” the convention says that children have the right not to go to war or to suffer it, yet there are child soldiers … “.
The president of Unicef recognizes the difficulty faced with this scourge which intensifies at the rate of the numerous conflicts which erupt on the planet and remains convinced that ” education, access to school, is one of our strongest responses “
The situation of children: a direct echo of world news.
Moreover, if we look at the emergencies treated by Unicef this year, ” we find Afghanistan […] with a problem of extreme poverty which causes parents to be forced to sell their children […] last year it was lebanon », She specifies.
Then the direct link between climate change and the children who are victims of it is discussed. ” Floods, droughts which lead families into great precariousness ”. Attentive, the children listen to these causal links.
In France…
Maxence, in CM2 class, refocuses attention on France wondering ” if there are more unhappy young people than before in Limoges ”? “. Maitre Nathalie Chauprade of the association Avo’Droits les jeunes “_not say it, but the idea that children can have access to a lawyer has become well democratized” _and more of them are asking for it. A possibility for the youngest ” to have their speaking space »In situations which, sometimes, are very confrontational within the framework of separations.
The International Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the United Nations on November 20, 1989, affirms that a child is not only a fragile being who must be protected but that he is a person who has the right to ‘to be educated, cared for, protected, wherever in the world he was born. The representatives of the Municipal Council of Children of Limoges no doubt leave aware that the road to be covered to reach it remains long and strewn with pitfalls.
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