Limoges Beaubreuil FC plays its first match behind closed doors after a disciplinary sanction

It is a whole club of regional 2 which undergoes the sanction of the League of Football of New-Aquitaine. After multiple outbursts from supporters (racist insults, fights, invasion of the field), Limoges Beaubreuil FC must now play behind closed doors, on neutral ground more than 30 km from Limoges.

Accustomed to its 300 to 400 spectators, the LBFC had to do without them, this Sunday, November 13, during its first match without spectators, against the Amicale Franco-Portugaise Limoges, in Neuvic-Entier. To support the players, not spectators, it is necessary to count on the gendarmes present to prevent the public from accessing the stadium. In front of the barriers at the entrance, Samuel still made the trip, he only sees half of the field, but that does not bother him: “I wanted to encourage my team, the AFPL. I will surely leave for the second half since I won’t be able to watch the game.” Despite many battles on the field, no goal will be scored during the match. The two teams leave with a score of 0-0.

A rare and severe sanction for a Regional 2 club

At first instance, Limoges Beaubreuil FC was sanctioned to play its last 10 games behind closed doors, but also fined €700. A rare sanction for an amateur club, especially sincebanning the public is a blow to the club’s financesexplains the president Kevin Terqueux: “Refreshments are almost the only source of income for a club like ours. There, we can estimate a loss of €10,000 until the end of the season. To this must be added all travel expenses.“. A sanction that affected volunteers and licensees, “it is not the athlete who is punished but the institution, adds Kevin Terqueux, we are responsible for the actions of our supporters. Morally, it’s very hard“.

The club of Limoges Beaubreuil FC appealed a few days agohe is now awaiting the decision of the New Aquitaine Football League, which could either validate the sanction, lighten it or increase it.

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