Limit winter ailments with plants

The idea is to prepare our immune defenses by stimulating them, to lower all the tendencies that can be congestive and inflammatory and also to enhance our ecosystem. By ecosystem we mean all our flora (in particular the intestinal flora) that we will maintain to ensure that they are in good health. We thus put all the chances on our side not to catch the ambient microbes.
Another important point: the hormonal neurovegetative system. It means being healthy in your mood, feeling good about yourself, good about yourself. All of this also has an impact.
That is to say that if we are at the top, positive, we will eliminate, we will protect ourselves from viruses. If, on the other hand, we feel depressed, if we have low spirits or things that bother us too much, we can create the fault that will let the germs in.
Plants can accompany us for all these axes.

Prevent and cure. And go on the offensive at the first symptoms.

It is necessary to counter-attack immediately with the plants and to use if necessary, essential oils. Typically, this is the time when you have to know how to use them.
The essentials: essential oil of lavender, that of ravintsara and lemon zest (for vitamin C and its tonic side).
Concretely: take a small container, put a few drops of olive oil or sweet almond (or other vegetable oil) in it and add a few drops of lavender and possibly ravintsara. With this mixture you brush your neck, the solar plexus, the throat, the spine, the tip of the nose, the handles and even under the feet. This is also valid for children, from the age of two.
It is best to think about it as soon as you feel a runny or scratchy nose, a little hoarseness that begins to appear. you have to listen to the signals your body sends you to react immediately.

Gemmotherapy (bud medicine). It is taken in the form of drops. And the essential of the season is blackcurrant. It is the remedy for inflammatory problems. It can be useful too, even when it hurts somewhere. And it’s really a very good base for basic treatments.
Dosage for an adult: 30 drops every morning in a glass of water. This stimulates the proper functioning of the body in a global way.

Another interesting plant: the rosehip. Always in the form of macerate. It will be the remedy for all infections and in particular recurrent infections (everything related to sinusitis, otitis, rhino, bronchitis.) It will help regenerate the mucous membranes and will have an immuno-stimulating action, especially when taken over the long term.
So it’s also the idea to take it every morning for prevention. You can associate blackcurrant and rosehip, they make a very nice synergy and will thus improve the functioning of our defenses.
And in case of symptoms, repeat the daily intake.

For an assessment and personalized advice, do not hesitate to seek the advice of professionals.

The New Herbalist
is in villefranche sur mer.

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