Lily-Rose Depp: who is her half-sister Saul Benchetrit, the other star of the family at only 15 years old?

Saul Benchetrit, a “sacred piece of woman” who knows who to take

What we know of her is Jules Benchetrit or even Anna Mouglalis who entrusted her. From his sister, the young man confided to Gala that his fetish object belonged to him. “A Batman cap that I stole from my little sister“, he informed our colleagues. “I adore her, she’s a hell of a woman. But at twelve years old, how hot is she…“, he had fun. For her part, the actress of Baron Noir had agreed to talk about Saul Benchetrit, in the columns of Grazia, 5 years ago. “At nursery, why do we compliment a girl on her hairstyle or her coat, and not a boy?she confided about the place of women in society. I took mine to see The beauty and the Beast, starring Emma Watson. It’s very pretty, but it’s a film that teaches them to love narcissistic perverts! When Cocteau adapts the same tale, it depicts a melancholic and kind Beast. There, it is of great savagery and total injustice. And because Belle loves him, the Beast turns into Prince Charming? There, I said to my daughter: ‘No. Just because you love a man doesn’t mean you’re going to change him.’“Saul Benchetrit will know who to take from.

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