Lily-Rose Depp in a relationship with a French rapper? A kiss sows doubt …

The photos relayed by the American magazine People leave little room for doubt: Lily-Rose Depp seems to have found love in the arms of the French rapper Yassine Stein. Arm in arm in the middle of the racing session, Sunday, November 14, 2021 in Los Angeles, the duo exchanged a kiss in front of the photographers. Last October already, the young actress of 22 years and the rapper appeared together during a trip in the streets of Paris.

But who is this young rapper still little known to the French public? Yassine Stein’s career is still in its infancy since he released his very first EP, Hayat, in the spring of 2020. His first clip accompanying the title Marrakech Butter was released in July of the same year. Last spring he released another track called Wrong way, in duet with Moussa. More recently, it was as a model for the Ami Paris brand that we discovered him during a fashion campaign. In February 2019, he had already paraded in Paris for the Koché brand.

The rapprochement of Lily-Rose Depp with Yassine Stein is surprising since three months ago, she had appeared very close to the American actor Austin Butler during an outing in London … Before that, the daughter of Vanessa Paradis and Johnny Depp dated another Franco-American actor: Timothée Chalamet, met in 2019 on the set of the Netflix film The king. A romance never truly formalized, which ended last year.

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