Lily-Rose Depp: After the trial, she breaks the silence to support her lover

Johnny Depp’s clan can finally breathe since the Fairfax court in the State of Virginia delivered its verdict. After weeks of trial, during which the actor sued his ex-wife Amber Heard for defamation, the star ofAquaman – whose future in the firm was more than compromised – was found guilty. A victory for the father of Jack and Lily-Rose Depp who has since taken advantage of a break in France to put these bad memories behind him. The mythical interpreter of Jack Sparrow has found friends, Vanessa Paradis, no doubt, and the children they had together.

Few relatives reacted in the media during the trial. But there is no doubt that Jack and Lily-Rose supported their dad until the end. This is not the only man that the young woman of 23 years supports at the moment. The Chanel muse has shared the life of Yassine Stein, a 26-year-old French rapper whose success is skyrocketing, for several months. And Lily-Rose Depp may have something to do with it.

This Monday, July 11, the daughter of Vanessa Paradis and Johnny Depp came out of silence for the first time since the end of the trial. Not to express himself on the outcome that justice wanted to give him but to promote the next title of his darling, Sidi-Courtois, and the clip that goes with it. In her Instagram story (see slideshow), Lily-Rose Depp unveiled the first images of the film shared shortly before by Yassine Stein. We discover the singer evolving aboard a pick-up in the middle of the desert. A return to the middle of the music that has made his fans could not be more pleased.

If many have believed in a love story between The Weeknd and Lily-Rose Depp, the latter has actually been in love with Yassine Stein since the end of last year. No red carpet for the lovebirds to formalize their romance, a simple walk hand in hand through the streets of Los Angeles. And who knows, maybe soon, his appearance in a clip of his lover…

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