The place was “targeted by tags on the posters in the storefront,” says Lille Family Planning. The institution assures that its reception areas “will remain open to all” and explains that it “is the subject of regular attacks”.
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Family Planning in Lille was attacked during the night from Sunday to Monday, February 19, Family Planning reported on Wednesday on its X account. France Bleu Nord adds that a complaint was filed by Family Planning in the North. Family Planning specifies that the windows of the Lille premises were “dirty”. The place was “targeted by tags on storefront posters”.
For family planning, “degrading the Planning’s windows means attacking the people who are welcomed every day in the Planning’s premises”. According to him, the institution “disturbs” And “is the subject of regular attacks by movements that want to roll back the rights we defend”. Despite this, Family Planning assures: “Our reception areas will remain open to all, without discrimination, without distinction and without judgment”.
For her part, Sarah Durocher, president of Family Planning and member of the High Council for Equality, writes on her X account: “We will fight as long as it takes, so that everyone is free to choose.”