Like her rival Christine Labrie, Ruba Ghazal is ready to govern Quebec

After the member of Québec solidaire (QS) from Sherbrooke, Christine Labrie, it is the turn of that of Mercier, Ruba Ghazal, to dream of being prime minister.

In the race to be female co-spokesperson for QS, Ms. Ghazal suggested Wednesday morning that she was ready to eventually, one day, govern Quebec.

She thus echoes her rival, Ms. Labrie, who said she was ready to become prime minister, in an interview with The Canadian Press. The member for Sherbrooke had also expressed her intention to take more space alongside parliamentary leader Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois if she is chosen as female co-spokesperson.

“Are you dreaming it for me?” » replied Ms. Ghazal to journalists Wednesday morning in a press scrum at parliament.

“I imagine you want to ask me if I’m ready to be prime minister. […] Not that we dream, but we are ready, if the members ever want us to occupy this position, to be an aspiring prime minister. »

She assured that she had thought about it and that if it were the members’ choice, she would be willing to lead the troops in an electoral campaign and possibly form a government. Because it is the members who then choose between the two co-spokespersons who would be the possible prime minister.

“When we think about becoming a spokesperson for Québec solidaire, it is a natural and normal reflection to wonder if the members ever decide that we could become aspiring prime minister. So, yes, I am ready, the same way as all my other colleagues. »

She assured that this race to choose a co-spokesperson is not “a personality contest” or a “matter of ego”.

These are the members who will choose between Ms. Labrie, Ghazal and Émilise Lessard-Therrien during the party congress from November 24 to 26.

In an interview last week, Ms. Labrie affirmed that she was not in the race to be a “decorative accessory” and that she “certainly wanted […] take more space than was given to the co-spokesperson who was not parliamentary leader in recent years.

Remember that the position of female co-spokesperson became vacant when Manon Massé chose to vacate the place but remain a deputy.

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