Like Amel Bent, these 13 personalities were victims of grossophobia

To you grossophobe, it’s not up to us to hide our bodiesbut it’s up to you to get used to seeing them as they are“, wrote Amel Bent this Sunday, May 15, 2022 on Instagram. A clear message posted by the coach of The Voice, after being a victim of fatphobia. In her tight sequined dress, signed Louis Vuitton, the superb artist, who has just given birth to her third child, a little boy, did not fail to attract the jealousy of certain embittered grossophobes. Like Amel Bent, other (too) many celebrities have been victims of fatphobia.

There is Louane Emera, who as the interpreter of 1,2,3 does not fail to react and silence its detractors. On this subject, she has more than once expressed herself. Often the victim of grossophobia on social networks, she had indicated, in the pages of simone: “Whatever I do, I will always be judged on my body, my physique and my appearance. Still. However, I do not remember having said one day that I was a model. I am a singer“.Recently, she again evoked her relationship to her body, with Marie Claire. “Motherhood allowed me to love my body, much more than I loved it before. To be less hard on myself, and even to find myself very strong. Because there is still a human being who came out of my body! Childbirth is such a special moment in life.“, confided the mother of Esme.

Agathe Auproux, Kelly Vedovelli, Magali Vae…

Like Amel Bent and Louane, they are other numerous young women to suffer from the violent and grossophobic criticisms that flourish on social networks. Thus, Yseult, Valérie Damidot, Vaimalama Chaves, Camille Cerf, Charlotte Gaccio, Ayem Nour, or even Magalie Vaé have mentioned this grossophobia. “On each photo, there are comments like ‘ah we eat well in the canteen’. It’s all about the weight or the hairstyle. They always find an angle to attack“, confided for her part Agathe Auproux, when Kelly Vedovelli, she also received a moment of derogatory comments on her physique.

Men have also been victims of grossophobia

Singer Adele had also spoken about the weight of criticism on her body over the years, especially with Oprah Winfrey. “I’m either too fat or too thin. Either I’m sexy or I’m not“, she declared. Women are not the only ones targeted, although more often judged on their physique, because some men have also borne the brunt of this grossophobia, which is too present on the networks. Thus, Issa Doumbia or again Olympus (The Voice) have already confided in having been victims of it.

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