Ligue 2 (J3) – Injuries, Benzia and Dobre on the start: the echoes before DFCO

Still undefeated in the league and since the start of preparation, Omar Daf’s DFCO hosts Stade Malherbe de Caen, a week after the draw (0-0) in Pau. Kick-off at 7 p.m., Saturday August 13, 2022, on behalf of the 3rd day of Ligue 2. Two teams which have started their championship well: Dijon is 4th (one victory, one draw), Caen is 2nd (two victories ).

The explanations for the absences of Dobre and Benzia

Do not expect big changes this weekend against Caen. The injured are still injured, like Deaux, Jacob and Scheidler. “They are still far from recovery”confirms coach Omar Daf. “Jacob is a little ahead. These are players who are gradually regaining good feelings”. Third in the hierarchy, the young goalkeeper Thomas Roche is also forfeited, hit in the shoulder.

Alex Dobre and Yassine Benzia won’t be in the squad either, but that has nothing to do with possible injuries. More desires elsewhere. “Alex is fine, it’s a choice on his part, he wants to leave. Like Yassine, these are players who want to leave. We have to respect their choice. When a player wants to leave, we can’t hold him back”, notes Omar Daf.

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Caen, “cut to play the leading roles”

Asked at a press conference, coach Omar Daf gave his point of view on the opponent. Caen, “a formation cut out to play the leading roles, it is one of the favorites“. He expects “a high level game”. “A strong match, we want to play this kind of match”.

Do as well as last season

Last season, the confrontations between the two teams had turned to the advantage of the Dijonnais. Two 1-0 victories, going to Normandy and returning to Burgundy.

  • DFCO – Caen, to follow in full on France Bleu Bourgogne. Pre-match at 6:45 p.m., kick-off at 7 p.m.

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