Ligue 2 (J2) – The DFCO in Pau, to confirm without igniting

The smiles of the supporters on the forecourt of Gaston Gérard spoke volumes, a few minutes after the final whistle of the first day of Ligue 2, and the victory of the DFCO against Saint-Etienne (2-1). Tinted with relief, imbued with hope for the emerging season. Confident, serene faces, rare for a few years, with all the adventures experienced before and since the descent into Ligue 2. But beware: “too much confidence attracts danger”, can we read in the Cid. Well summarized Pierre Corneille! This is exactly the pitfall that the DFCO must avoid when traveling to Pau, Saturday August 6, 2022, for the 2nd day of Ligue 2.

“Above all, don’t see yourself more beautiful than what you are”

If you tend to get fired up a bit quickly in the age of the instantaneous, listen to the message from Dijon captain Daniel Congré, and his recipe against the famous and so dreaded “overconfidence” : “You don’t even have to talk about it so that it doesn’t give bad ideas”he smiles, thus advocating an ostrich strategy to chase away the sin of bragging.

“We must continue with great seriousness, aware of our qualities and our abilities, but above all not to see ourselves more beautiful than what we are”. Even if the new coach Omar Daf has been undefeated since his arrival on the Dijon bench (in friendly and in Ligue 2), the two missed opportunities against the Greens (Nassi then Le Bihan) then the conceded goal reminded us of this: distrust.

“I stay awake”

At DFCO, there seems to be a guarantor of this cautious state of mind: the new coach Omar Daf, follower of the lexical field of humility in his speeches to the press. “I stay awake”, he warns. If he appreciated against the Greens “the enthusiasm of players mostly weaned from football and lacking playing time”he keeps reminding “the need to maintain this requirement throughout the season”.

“Investment”. “Work”. “To perform”. Of the “smiles”but from “rigor”. The speech leaves no room for euphoria. You will still be able to scream with joy while listening to France Bleu Bourgogne if the DFCO scores, it’s deserved, because we (re) come from afar. It’s (almost) Corneille, even if it’s not the same.

  • Pau – DFCO, to live in full on France Bleu Bourgogne Saturday August 6, 2022. See you from 6:45 p.m. for the pre-match, 7 p.m. for the kick-off, live from the Stade du Hameau

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