Ligue 2: Bruno Irlès leaves Quevilly-Rouen

It is by a press release that QRM formalized, this Monday, the departure of his trainer. Bruno Irlès will now preside over the destiny of Troyes. The L1 club is indeed without a coach since the dismissal of Laurent Batlles on December 30.

This departure was not part of the club’s plans“, explains QRM in its press release. But the club specifies that it wants”be a facilitator and provide the means to accelerate a promising professional career“.

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Bruno Irlès, much appreciated by his players and the Quevillais public, has a more than positive assessment: he is the architect of the club’s rise to Ligue 2 last season, and after a complicated start to the year, he managed to stabilize the team in the middle of the standings. Romain Padovani, the Quevillais captain, explained after the Coupe de France meeting on Sunday against Monaco: “he changed everything at the club, he made it go up. It’s thanks to him that we’re here. What he does is fantastic.

To succeed him, QRM gives itself time for reflection. The press release states “development projects, in particular in athlete management“The interim will be provided by the current deputy, William Louiron.

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