Ligue 1 – Girondins de Bordeaux: The club is preparing for the capital meeting of the DNCG

Next Tuesday, the Girondins de Bordeaux will play part of their future in front of the DNCG. Gérard Lopez is of course in the front line on this file. The owner and president of Marine et Blanc has finally reached an agreement in principle with his creditors, the American investment funds Fortress and King Street, for his business plan for Ligue 2. Discussions are still continuing on the debt and especially the club’s debt ratio, an important criterion for the DNCG.

The leaders would also have managed to plug the hole of 40-45 million euros in the coffers of the club with various resources. The parachute of 7 million euros allocated to demoted clubs, the 8 million euros from the CVC investment fund which will make its arrival in French football. The club also plans to sell for 22 million euros in the transfer window by June 30 and finally, Jogo Bonito, the company that owns the club, of which Gérard Lopez and his associates are shareholders, will put 10 million euros back in Table. For next season, the Girondins should present a provisional budget of around 40 million euros.

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One of the challenges is also to significantly reduce the payroll. In this logic. the club continues to confirm the departure of several players. After Benoit Costil, it’s the turn of Marcelo and young Malbec and Traoré to pack their bags. All three were out of contract. For the Brazilian defender, his stay in Gironde was a real failure. Coming to replace Laurent Koscielny, he showed nothing and left after only six months on the banks of the Garonne.

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