Ligue 1 – Girondins de Bordeaux: Josuha Guilavogui left to stay?

Franco-Guinean midfielder Josuha Guilavogui was in front of the media on Thursday, after his coach David Guion. He appeared particularly affected by the situation of the club speaking of a feeling of shame while the Girondins de Bordeaux will most likely go down to Ligue 2.

When you have a feeling of shame, you have to quickly correct it

Loaned to Bordeaux by his German club Wolfsburg in January 2022, Guilavogui has always spoken of the Girondin club with great respect and, it seems, unfeigned admiration. And he’d be willing to stay to erase a nightmarish season

You know, sometimes when you have a feeling of shame, you have to quickly correct it and find the right challenge. Maybe it could be the right challenge to erase that from my CV. There are a lot of things to restructure. Unfortunately, there are employees who are going to lose their jobs and I can’t allow myself to say there are people who are losing their jobs and I quickly stabilize my case, so that I can leave quietly on vacation and already think about the next one season – Josuha Guilavogui

His family next to club employees in the stands

After the press conference, the player confided explaining that he could have gone elsewhere than to Bordeaux and that he had chosen this club with the desire to restore the coat of arms of the navy and white but also with the ambition to stay there. Present at Haillan, Dorian Bercheny of France Bleu Gironde saw a sincere man.

There was a form of respect for the Bordeaux institution, for the families. He told us an anecdote with tears in his eyes, telling us that alongside his family in the stands this weekend, there were employees, young people, older people, women, men who had the tears in his eyes, and Josuha Guilavogui, he is touched in the heart with these words – Dorian Bercheny

Can Bordeaux afford to keep Josuha Guilavogui?

If the player may want to stay, does the club have the means to make this wish possible? In the current situation of the club, it seems difficult Guilavogui being loaned with option to buy and under contract with Wolfsburg until 2023. It would therefore be necessary to find an agreement with the German club to extend the loan and assume the salary of the player as the emphasizes Yon Ecenarro of France Bleu Gironde.

Josuha Guilavogui has a big salary, a salary of over €200,000. In league 2, normally it’s more like 30 or 40,000 euros. So that means drastically lowering your salary. It would be a strong act. That said, we know the contracts very well, we can make them say what we want. That is to say one year you may earn less, but the next year you catch up if the club goes back to Ligue 1. He is someone who has always faced up to his responsibilities. He did some stupid things on the field but he is irreproachable outside. We would have liked him to arrive as a captain to bring his troops a little more – Yon Ecenarro

Let’s be realistic: the chance of seeing Josuha Guilavogui evolve in Ligue 2 under the colors of Bordeaux is quite low. But the idea that some players express the wish to stay as it seems Anel Ahmedhozic or Danylo Ignatenko can put a little Beaume in the heart of Girondins supporters.

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