Ligue 1: Bordeaux sinks into crisis, supporters shout their dissatisfaction

“Wet the jersey”. It is with this slogan that the exchanges ended between the Bordeaux players and the supporters, dissatisfied at the end of the meeting.

Some supporters of the south corner had, a few minutes before, asked to speak to the players. They had also taken place, in front of the gate from which the players usually come out.

A rise in discontent

Some players have tried to speak up, but the situation has come to a point of no return, it seems.

Pointed out, Bordeaux goalkeeper Benoît Costil was targeted throughout the game. Whistled with each ball touched, the former Rennes player made his return to the Bordeaux goal, after an injury and with the suspension of Gaëtan Poussin.

As a symbol, Costil participated in the crazy comeback of last season and the maintenance of the Girondins. He is now taken in dislike by part of the Bordeaux public. But, the criticisms of the Bordeaux goalkeeper by some supporters seem deeper than simple sporting resentment.

A festive start

However, from the warm-up and before the match, the Bordeaux supporters seemed determined to play their role of 12th man, in the hope of success against Montpellier, capital in the fight for maintenance. Big tifo, songs in unison… and even a few smoke bombs which delayed the kick-off by more than fifteen minutes.

The scenario of the match got the better of the excitement of the public. Bordeaux is more than ever in crisis, and the supporters no longer really seem ready to find excuses for the workforce.

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