The Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul
The present church dates from the beginning of the 16th century and from the 12th century for the oldest part.
– Karine Decalf
It has suffered many dramatic events such as looting and fires and was transformed at several times.
– Karine Decalf
– Karine Decalf
Béatrice Kerfa tells us about the church of Ligny le Chatel
“Champ’icaunais” created in 2018 by Alexis Prouthe mushroom farm of Ligny le Chatel offers for sale organic mushrooms, oyster mushroom and shiitake. Also on sale are products made from mushrooms such as velouté or terrines. Oh that’s good !
– Karine Decalf
– Karine Decalf
Meeting with Alexis Prou ”Champ’icaunais”
“The Miscellaneous Effect”
“The Miscellaneous Effect” East a delicatessen installed at n°3 of the main street of Ligny Le Chatel. There are many quality regional products but also wines. A shop to have fun or to please that is worth the detour. Heart stroke !
– Karine Decalf
– Karine Decalf
Meeting with Delphine from “L’Effet Divers”
The wash house of Ligny le Chatel
The large wash house of Ligny le Chatel is located opposite the church and it greatly contributes to the charm of the place. Built at the end of the 19th century, it is an emblematic building of the town.
– Karine Decalf
Béatrice Kerfa tells us about the washhouses of Ligny le Chatel
The Garnier et fils estate.
At “Domaine Garnier and sons“, in Ligny le Chatel, Xavier and Jérome are brothers and together manage this family estate which produces Chablis wines that can be found on tables around the world: Petit Chablis, Chablis, Chablis 1er crus and grand cru. Enthusiasts!
– Karine Decalf
– Karine Decalf
Meeting with Xavier and Jérome Garnier