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Even if the circulation of Covid-19 slows down, it remains important. In the past 24 hours, 425,183 people have tested positive. Measures to alleviate health constraints therefore worry scientists.
With the Omicron variant of Covid-19 still running, the government’s relief measures do not make all scientists agree. On February 2, it will be the end of the gauges in the stadiums and the end of compulsory telework. This is not good news for Catherine Hill, epidemiologist. She states: “Reducing teleworking means more people in transport, more people who become infected at work and it has a much greater effect than opening nightclubs.“.
From February 16, nightclubs will also be able to reopen and it will again be allowed to eat in transport. On March 7, wearing a mask should be reduced in elementary school. In view of the circulation of the virus among children, this measure seems hasty. “We don’t have any hindsight in relation to Omicron, so there is a deliberate choice which is to leave the schools open, but you absolutely must not, and moreover the Scientific Council is completely the opposite.“, recalls Professor Gilles Pialoux, infectious disease specialist.