Lifting of health restrictions | The mask will remain compulsory in some universities

Universities will maintain the obligation to wear the mask in class until the end of the semester, despite the lifting of the measure planned by mid-April by Public Health.

Posted at 5:00 a.m.

Lea Carrier

Lea Carrier
The Press

McGill and Concordia universities will continue to wear masks for the rest of the semester, which ends at the end of April.

Public Health aims to make wearing a mask optional in all public places, except public transport, “by mid-April at the latest”. If the health context allows, the relief could even be brought forward to the end of March.

McGill University believes that some people, after two years of wearing the mask, “might need an adjustment period”. “This is why we have decided to maintain most of our protective measures against COVID-19”, including wearing a mask, for the remainder of the quarter, said publicist Shirley Cardenas.

Face coverings will also remain in place at Concordia University, where the exam period will end on 1er may.

The whole semester has been done with the wearing of the mask, and it does not seem necessary to change that so close to the end of the session.

Vannina Maestracci, spokesperson for Concordia University

The University of Montreal has not yet decided on the future of the mask on its campuses. “Our committee of experts is analyzing the situation, together with Public Health. We will inform our community shortly,” said spokesperson Geneviève O’Meara. The University of Quebec in Montreal must also look into the question in the coming days.

drop the mask

Like primary and secondary schools in the province, which lifted the wearing of masks after spring break, universities will drop the measure as soon as the green light is given in Quebec.

This is the case of the University of Sherbrooke.

When the government lifts the obligation to wear a mask [d’intervention] in indoor public places, wearing a mask will no longer be compulsory at the Université de Sherbrooke.

Excerpt from the press release from the management of the University of Sherbrooke

“However, we will leave the distributors of masks and hydroalcoholic disinfectant at the entrances to the buildings, if people wish to continue wearing the mask. The disinfection of surfaces will also remain in place, but the University intends to abandon it later in the summer, “if all goes well”.

Université Laval will adjust its health instructions according to “the directives given by the competent authorities”. “This includes the instructions related to wearing a mask,” simply writes spokesperson Simon La Terror.

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