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As summer approaches, swimming pools are struggling to recruit lifeguards. Some sThey even find themselves obliged to limit opening hours, for lack of qualified personnel.
In Bassemberg (Bas-Rhin)it is no longer possible to take a dip in the water all week. The pool is closed to the public on weekends. “That means taking the car, the bike and going further when we have the equipment on site”laments a swimmer. There are not enough lifeguards to supervise. They are currently only three, while twice as many are needed.
The published announcements did not give anything. So choices had to be made. “We are forced to close on weekends so that we can guarantee the safety of all users”says Jean-Luc Bianchi, director of the nautical center. In France, there would be a shortage of at least 2,000 lifeguards. The job no longer attracts between incivility, low pay and weekend work. With the good weather, the situation is tense. Between the swimming pools and the 19 bodies of water to be monitored in the Bas-Rhin, seasonal jobs are likely to be lacking.