life resumes its course


Video duration:
4 mins

Earthquake in Morocco: life returns to normal

Earthquake in Morocco: life returns to normal – (franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – A. Lay, A. Tribouart, O. Sauvayre, Z. Chbibi Cadoux

France Televisions

On September 8, the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Morocco left around 3,000 dead and thousands injured. Almost two months later, residents are gradually returning to the course of their lives.

More than a month after the earthquake, the images are still the same: that of villages in ruins while reconstruction has not started again. It is also that of trucks loaded with mattresses. By traveling through the Atlas Mountains, the France 2 teams aimed to find Saïda, lost in the middle of nowhere when she saw first aid in the air. However, the inhabitants have deserted his village, and the smell of death is still felt.

Tents set up for refugees

Two kilometers further, there are tents for refugees. Through a maze of tarpaulins, the France 2 teams come face to face with Saïda. “I’m better, I knew you were coming back”, she said with emotion. She proudly shows the school, whose classes are currently held in a tent.

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