Life imprisonment for the murderers of Rudy, 15, killed in Marseille

This Friday, the Assize Court of Bouches-du-Rhône in Aix-en-Provence, condemns Samir Zérouali (26 years old) and Khadim Thiam (28 years old) to life imprisonment, with a 22-year safety sentence. Nicknamed “ZZ” and “Jimmy”, they are convicted of the murder of 15-year-old Rudy.

An execution “à la Marseillaise”

The attorney general, Christophe Raffin, speaks of a “massacre”. On November 18, 2016, Rudy’s body was discovered on the way to the Etoile massif. His corpse is tied up, partly burned, with two bullet holes from a hunting weapon, one in the head and one in the thorax. An assassination in the style of the settling of scores of narcobanditism in Marseille.

For the prosecution, Rudy actually died for nothing. Since a settling of accounts in October 2016, in the parking lot of a KFC in Marseille, the rumor was that Rudy, a small “coalman” of the city of Jean-Jaurès, had given the killers the start. One of the victims was a “cousin” of Khadim Thiam, victim of a drug turf war.

The two defendants have both announced their intention to appeal the verdict.

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