Life imprisonment for Nordahl Lelandais, eastern Ukraine bombarded… The informed of February 18

Around Jean-François Achili, the informed discuss the news of Friday, February 18.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Around Jean-François Achili, the informed discuss the news of Friday, February 18.

The themes :

– Maëlys case : the Assize Court of Isère sentenced Nordahl Lelandais to life imprisonment with a 22-year security sentence for the kidnapping, forcible confinement and murder of the little girl, in August 2017 in Pont-de -Beauvoisin. Why did this trial fascinate the French?

– Crisis in Ukraine: Emmanuel Macron calls for de-escalation in the Donbass. He asks the “cessation of military acts” who “have multiplied” in eastern Ukraine. “The situation is extremely worrying,” says the head of state.

The informed:

– Beatrice Mathieu, editor-in-chief at The Express.

– Marie-Estelle Pech, company editor-in-chief Marianne.

– Véronique Reille-Soult, President of Backbone Consulting.

-Thomas Clay professor of law at the University of Paris 1- Panthéon-Sorbonne and lawyer.

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